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Use Advanced Care Planning to Prepare for Medicaid
Use Advanced Care Planning to Prepare for Medicaid.
Get Medicaid Coverage for Care at Home
Get Medicaid Coverage for Care at Home
If I Sell The House, Do The Proceeds Have to Go Toward Memory Care?
If I sell the house, do all proceeds go to memory care?
What Are Potential Dangers of Joint Accounts?
What Are Potential Dangers of Joint Accounts?
Give Gifts to Your Grandchildren in Trust
The Benefits of Giving “Gifts” to Your Grandchildren in “TRUST”
What Is Spousal Impoverishment?
What Is Spousal Impoverishment?
Medicaid: When The Co-Owner of The Family Farm Ends Up At a Nursing Home.
Medicaid: When The Co-Owner of The Family Farm Ends Up At a Nursing Home.
Plan Ahead Before Seeking Nursing Home Care: Avoid Unnecessary Debt for You and Your Family
Many senior citizens may need the services of a nursing home or at-home care at some point in their life. You might assume that government assistance or health insurance will step in and cover the cost if you cannot afford these services. Unfortunately, neither health insurance nor Medicare covers long-term care. Because obtaining long-term care insurance can be very expensive, Medicaid could become your only option.